At Shadow Rock Church, we are…
Generous Hearted
As stewards of our time, talents and treasures, we seek to be people who serve wholeheartedly, give unselfishly and care sacrificially. We want to be known for what we give away, not what we take for ourselves—and we want to do it with joy.
Relationally Connected
Recognizing the God-given need for loving relationships, we seek to be involved in committed friendships and families, supportive small group networks and effective ministry teams. We want to be a place where people are more important than programs and relationships are more important than events.
Outwardly Focused
Given the great need in our world for people to know Christ and experience His loving power, we seek to be the kind of church that does not exist for itself. We want to be a church whose direction is decided by our mission, not our personal preferences.
Worship Centered
Because we were created by God’s hand to live for His glory, we seek lifestyles full of the Holy Spirit, honoring God in both purity and praise. We want to be people of faith for whom encountering God’s presence is more important than being entertained.